When asked if there was anyone new at his house, sweet J, beaming with pride, managed to tell me his new baby brother’s first name as he hid behind his daddy’s leg. Right away, this kid, who, during our first session about a year and a half ago went into complete hiding after just a few minutes into our session, was more than willing to get into the frame for some family-of-four portraits. He held his little brother gently, kissed his forehead, and seemed to admire the smallness of him, unaware that he, too, was that small once upon a time. Baby J was alert and seemed to take in all that was going on around him – except when he was just about to fall asleep and big brother decided it was time to crawl up on the bed with him!
Suzanna and Nick, what a lovely little pod of four you have there. Wishing you so many cuddles and awe-inspiring moments with your two adorable boys. Oh, and lots of space for the trains, trucks, Legos, and superheros that lie in your future.