Four girls. Four beautiful and sweet girls. Their bond is obvious to anyone who has a minute to observe them together. Ranging from silly giggles to all out serious sprints, these girls and their lovely parents enjoyed a little time at the monument park, just a short walk from their home in Charlestown. Wendy and Ernie were the lucky winning bidders in the Charlestown Nursery School silent auction portrait session. The family will be starting a new adventure this year as they make an international move, so documenting their love of their local park seemed fitting. I wish you all the best as you begin a new chapter; I have a feeling these girls will be happy as long as they are together.
Side note: I couldn’t help but feel a little bit like I was looking in a mirror of my past (I’m one of four girls). So, here’s a shout out to my built-in best friends since day one. Beth, Rainelle, and Alyssa – you rock. Let me know when you want to sprint across the park together; no head starts allowed.