Starting new classes, a new season of sports, getting all the school supplies you need, and gearing up for your last year of high school comes with an additional task and challenge: looking at colleges. Nick appears ready to take on all of the above with confidence and focus. He has his strong and steady parents at his side (literally and figuratively – check out Allison’s bio) as well as the support of his sisters (one of whom was at soccer during our session). While I realize it’s not standard to have photos of family mixed in with a senior session, upon reflection, it actually seems very fitting.
I’ve known Nick since he was a curly-haired toddler (yes, I’m dating myself again) so it’s bewildering to see him towering over his mom and trying to match his dad’s height. Nick, I wish you all the best as you navigate your way through this last year of high school and into your college years! Allison and Matt, so good to see you (and good luck to you as you send off your first!).