They are some of my longest-standing clients and I was heartbroken that we couldn’t make our schedules work for a shoot last year but it made this year that much more amazing. Little O and N are special in many ways, as are their parents, and their premie story touches my heart. To see them now as kindergarteners is astounding! They have grown by leaps and bounds, can climb the giant boulders with ease, and can carry on a conversation about just about anything, including details about the history of the park we were in. Little N, especially, seemed to have a keen interest in history. And Little O’s smile seemed to go on for days.
Christen and Steve, I’m so glad that we were able to make it work this year! I loved being able to see you all again and see just how much these kiddos have grown. I had a few flashbacks to previous sessions with you and it is baffling that it’s all gone so fast. They are still just as cute, though!