Family portrait session (Rainelle, Doug, C, & N) – Brewster, MA

Quick quiz: What is the fastest trip down to the Cape that you can possibly squeeze in to do a beach shoot with your sister and her family between other summer fun and some looming weather? 19 hours. Yup. A “quick” trip down to Brewster for one night, a shoot on the beach, ice cream (of course!), and a morning at the beach, then back on the road through a monsoon. While we would have loved to have stayed and enjoy the beaches and good company, it was all that we could do for that week. What I wasn’t prepared for was how FAR OUT the water goes when it’s low tide! Holy smokes. (Can you tell we are mostly NH-beaches type of people?)

Rainelle and Doug, thanks for showing us your Cape favorites! Loved the cousin time for the girl gang.

photographystephanie goryl

stephanie [at] stephaniegorylphotography [dot] com

Wakefield, MA

(just north of Boston)