Greg and his wife, Mo, along with their two little girls were in town visiting from out of state when his mother, Linda, decided that it would be a good time for them to get some family portraits of the whole gang. This included the grandparents (Linda and George), Greg’s family, and his sister’s family as well (Tory and Matt and their three littles). What a fun-loving group with gorgeous kiddos! The lake provided a lovely backdrop as well as some entertainment (and positive distraction) from the fish. The baby decided it was a little too late for her and conked out towards the end of the session and the whole group worked hard to get little J to crack a smile without running to hide behind his grandma! There was also an inside joke/story between George and Matt about taking ones shoes off; I never did get the full scoop there but they requested a photo for posterity which seems like it might serve as a punchline for something? Details remain elusive.
Thanks to all of you for a fun session!