Sarah and Mike are some of the most friendly and down to earth people I’ve had the privilege of getting to know over the past few years. From before little W was born to now, with little V speeding through the first half of her first year, this darling family has my heart whenever I am with them. What impressed me the most this time around? That after having to reschedule our session due to various reasons, Sarah and Mike showed up with kids in tow and a car packed full, ready to head out on vacation right after the shoot ended – all at 8am. Big brother W stayed busy covering his dad’s feet with sand, swinging on the swings, and checking out the water while sweet V seemed content to just sit and smile wherever she was.
Sarah and Mike, as always, it was a joy to see you and your littles! It warms my heart to be able to see how they grow and change as the months whisk past.