There is a look of pride and happiness on Tom’s face as I pull up in the driveway. It’s the face that ran so many class meetings back in high school, the face that was forever optimistic about whatever challenges would come our way – whether we were trying to convince the school administration to change something or planning the junior prom. But today, his face is happy for other reasons, grown-up reasons. His oldest son is sitting next to him on the porch steps while inside, his beautiful wife, Michelle, holds their newborn son. In addition, his dad is on the way to join us at the house and Michelle’s parents are also here, visiting all the way from the other side of the world. It’s such a special time in their lives and here they are surrounded by those who know and appreciate the beauty (and sometimes chaos) of it all.
Tom and Michelle, congratulations on another adorable son! My heart is full seeing you all together.