Aside from being born, there is something undeniably special and unique about a first birthday. “You only turn ONE once” resonates with anyone who has seen the amazing development that takes place in a mere 12 months, even though we obviously only turn X once every year. The sleepy days of a newborn turn to hours of activity, trying to master standing, walking, and first words; the “burp-smiles” turn to can’t-get-enough-full-on-giggles; the sleepless nights (hopefully!) turn into longer stretches of something more sustainable; and the love you didn’t know you were capable of a year ago has grown so much it feels like your heart could simply explode.
The youngest of three boys, little L entered our sweet neighborhood a year ago with his ice-blue eyes and charm. The littlest one on our street to date, he gets more than his share of “oohs” and “ahhs” from the kids and adults alike. He’s holding his own trying to keep up with big brothers M and M and has one of the most contagious smiles I’ve ever seen.
Tracey & Mike, congratulations on making it through another first year! Your boys are beyond adorable. And thank you for being rock-star neighbors (and I mean that literally, Mike). We are so lucky to be a part of such a wonderful neighborhood: kids running around outside all the time (when we’re not in the middle of a polar vortex, that is), kindhearted parents, and a place where you realize the value of your home is not only linked to it’s physical structure, but to the community that exists when you walk out your front door.
Happy 1st Birthday, handsome little L! To view the complete gallery, click here (password protected; please contact the family or me if interested).