Cupcake, the family’s beloved bulldog, “greets” me every time I come to their house with a resounding hello combined with protective overtones. These days, she has a lot more to be protective of with baby L on the scene. Baby L joins one of the sweetest families I’ve had the pleasure of photographing over the years. The oldest of three, A was one of my first newborns to photograph almost five years ago. Then came D with some of the longest eyelashes I’ve ever seen. And now sweet little L joins the team, helping to even out the score a bit for lovely Tracy. This little girl will get her fill of blocks, trains, and rough-housing with these two as big brothers. And more than her share of love, of course. Biggest brother couldn’t get enough of her while D is still trying to understand his new role and is making sure he gets his share of attention, as well (don’t worry, I’m a middle child, too, and it’s awesome!).
Dean and Tracy, I couldn’t be happier for you all. Isn’t it amazing how big our hearts can grow? So many hugs to you!