Isn’t it amazing how crazy big your oldest seems all of a sudden right after you have your second baby? I mean, gigantic. Overnight. I imagine such was the case with newly anointed big brother H when baby F was born. Perhaps he was, in fact, a toddler the day before his sister was born (and technically still is), but man, all of a sudden it seems as though he could make his own breakfast. Well, almost.
Big brother H seemed quite excited about the new member in his family, so much so that he was practically doing flips off the ottoman. He was anxious to hold her…until he was holding her, and then he seemed a little unsure. As for sweet baby girl, she dozed for a bit here and there, cried for a quick minute, but then opened her gorgeous eyes – she was content and curious.
Emily and Jared, thanks so much for the chance to meet you all and photograph the beginning of this new chapter in your lives. Hope you get to enjoy lots of snuggles with both of those cuties!