Category Archives: Families

Newborn session (Courtney, Chris, + crew of six) – Wakefield, MA

Definition of a sibling: Built-in friend/tormentor/trouble-maker. Someone who will tease you when it’s just you and him/her but will stand up for you to no end against the rest of the world. Someone to talk to about all the wrong/insightful/unbelievable things your parents did when they were raising you. Someone to turn to when everything seems to be going against you. Someone you can call no matter what time of night.

So, when there are SIX siblings total, what a gift to have. Courtney + Chris certainly have their hands full, but it’s clear that their hearts are even more full. Thank you, thank you for sharing your amazing family with me.

Extended family portrait session – Cape Cod

Lauren wasn’t sure their family trip to the Cape was going to happen this summer given ALL of the craziness of the year. But they managed to pull it off – Lauren, Tim, + their little, grandparents, sister + husband – they all got together and shared their love for the Cape and each other, keeping in tradition with what they’ve done over the course of many years. What a great way to mark your special time together. Thank you for sharing your morning with me!

Family portrait session (Lauren, Mike, T, + A) – Laconia, NH

Welp, it’s been a strange summer, indeed. But that didn’t stop this family from finding the joy every time they visited the grandparents in NH. Frog catching and boat rides abound with this crew. So much fun, Lauren and Mike! What a beautiful family – loved every minute! Thank you, thank you.

Family portrait session (Ashley, Stefan, + the three Ws) – Beverly, MA

Oh, I feel like I owe this site a bit of love after basically shutting down for about 3 months! It feels like coming up for air a bit.

But to begin, I wanted to post from my first shoot in a long time. It was SO nice to get back out there after being in lockdown from the pandemic for nearly 3 months. These three little ones were just the remedy for feeling like life was never going to be normal again. Thanks, Ashley and Stefan, for braving the big outdoors with me!

Newborn session (Lesley, Bradley, and N) – Melrose, MA

Never before have I seen a newborn smile as much as he did during our session. He also made THE most adorable sad face, the kind that’s so sad that you can’t help but make an audible “awww” when you see it. The fact is, no matter what kind of expression he was making, he was irresistibly cute. Aside from a newborn baby, Lesley and Bradley have a lot going on around them with a complete renovation of their home, two dogs that love them, and visits from family from afar.

Congratulations, Lesley and Bradley, on your beautiful baby boy! What a joy to meet you all. Wishing you lots of strong coffee and long-lasting naps for all.

photographystephanie goryl

stephanie [at] stephaniegorylphotography [dot] com

Wakefield, MA

(just north of Boston)