Category Archives: School-age kids

Family portrait session (Tracy, Dean, A, D, & L) – Charlestown, MA

Nothing says, “I’m growing up” quite as loudly as when you go to put them in the pair of pants they wore just the other day and you see that they now look like clam-diggers. So when the mom rushes into the garage, into a seemingly hidden closet, and whips out a pair of jeans the next size up, fitting him perfectly – you applaud. Loudly. Brava mama.

These three kiddos are full of energy, fun, curiosity, and love. Head to toe love! Thanks so much Tracy and Dean for the stroll through your ‘hood with your babies. (They will always be your babies, no matter how big they get.)

Family portrait session (Shilpa, Jim, E, & A) – Belmont, MA

There were bicyclists and gardeners, walkers and bird watchers out and about (one bird watcher was adamant that we take note – and photo – of a particular rare bird, though he wasn’t exactly sure what it was!) on this awesome fall day. While we could all appreciate the grace of a rare bird, there were trails explore, sisters to hug, and trails to run. Sorry, bird – and bird watcher. I hope our fun didn’t scare you away!

Shilpa and Jim, thanks so much for sharing your afternoon with me! I love seeing your girls grow year after year.

Family portrait session (Jess, Rich, E, & C) – Boston, MA

Life in the city before kiddos meant lazy weekend mornings at the local bakery down the street and busy weekdays at work (also just down the street). Life in the ‘burbs with kiddos means sharing your love of the city with them, getting gelato before lunch, and hanging out at the park you used to pass by all the time. These two lucky girls know more about the hot spots in the Pru than I do! We had a little fun poking around there in between popping in and out of the chilly and windy weather happening outside.

Jess and Rich, your girls’ smiles and soulful eyes warm my heart. Thank you for sharing your joy and love for them with me!

Family portrait session (Gail, Allan, E, & E) – Danvers, MA

The foliage has been amazing this year! This family got to take a morning to take in all of the colors and crisp air as we walked around the park and chatted about how school was going and how sometimes (all the time?) life can be busy with two kiddos. Big sister takes dance and had just performed at the Topsfield Fair, tickled about how strange it was that they had to change in a kitchen! And little sister plays soccer so their weekends are full. I know the routine of it all – the cleats, leotards, uniforms, costumes, snacks, water bottles, change of clothes, and *energy* that gets packed into all of these activities is exhausting and fun and memory-making and smile-producing – and it’s all worth it.

Gail and Allan, thanks so much for spending the beautiful morning with me! So nice to see you all again.

Family portrait session (Jess, John, A, & C) – Danvers, MA

It felt like a quintessential New England fall afternoon when I met up with this fab family. The leaves were falling, there was a little crisp in the air, and the boys were loving running around and checking out the park. These brothers seemed to get along swimmingly (all the time, right, John and Jess?)! With big brother starting middle school this year and the little brother chomping at the bit to start kindergarten next year, they are keeping their parents busy in different ways. One things is for sure the same, though – their love of silliness and each other.

Thank you, John and Jess, for the chance to photograph your handsome and fun boys!

photographystephanie goryl

stephanie [at] stephaniegorylphotography [dot] com

Wakefield, MA

(just north of Boston)