Family portrait session (Suzanna, Nick, J, & J) – Gloucester, MA

This awesome family has come to this beach a few times for photos now and each time, there’s a different feel to it. This day was all about chasing birds, climbing rocks, sifting sand, and running just for the fun of it. Little J and J just keep getting bigger each time I see them, yet their curiosity and energy have remained the same. As for Suzanna and Nick, they continue to keep up with their boys, rolling with the punches (and stubbed toes!), and being as endearing and lovely as ever. Big brother just started kindergarten this year and has so much to tell: the name of his class, who’s in it, his teacher’s name, and all about his friend who is in another class, too. Oh, and something about Ninja Turtles… Little brother is trying hard to keep pace with his brother and was completely unfazed by his bleeding big toe!

As always, it was so lovely to see you all doing well! Your boys’ free-spirit nature warms my heart.

photographystephanie goryl

stephanie [at] stephaniegorylphotography [dot] com

Wakefield, MA

(just north of Boston)