Having four kids is not for the faint of heart (and I can only speak from the kid perspective as one of four sisters). Not only do you have to take care of four small beings, making sure they are fed, clothed, educated, well-rested, active, kind, patient, etcetera, but you also have to help nurture (and referee?) the relationships between four said children. And, doing some 5th grade math, that tells me there’s SIX relationships between them to keep an eye on (someone want to check me on that?), six different dynamics that can exist at any given moment. That’s not even counting the relationships between each kid and each parent! Whew.
From what I can tell, Lynne and Greg are skilled and well-versed in all of it. These four bright, funny, and beautiful small beings are kind and patient. They are respectful and playful. They seem happy to tease and be teased, they laugh easily, and listen well. And they are growing up so darn fast!
Lynne and Greg, congratulations on successfully merging into the realm of high school with your oldest while also ushering your youngest through elementary school. Your balancing act is one to be admired!